Galwan Clash. How China is Slowly Chipping Away India's Territory.
Indian T-90 Beeshma Tank ,Ps-Indian Army Allegedly, the clash was triggered by China violating the June 6 agreement, and setting up a post on its side of the LAC. The dispute started over a Chinese tent that was constructed on Sunday night. Indian troops, according to the sources, tore it down. That was after Indian soldiers discovered that Chinese soldiers had not left an area that they had agreed to leave as part of the de-escalation of last month’s border dispute and had instead build a tent in the area. Now a tent might not seem like that big of a deal but it’s part of a pattern. China has chipped away a territory along the disputed frontier seizing about 60 square kilometers in the past two months. This is part of China’s Salami Slicing Strategy . That is, small takeovers of disputed territory piece by piece until they control the whole salami. This is exactly how they took over more and more of South China sea, only they don’t have to build artificial islands on the China...